Better Respawn is a mod for TModLoader that provides players with more convenient and improved respawn features in Terraria.

Description of Better Respawn

  1. Spawn Settings: The mod allows players to choose a wider range of spawn locations. You can set a spawn point almost anywhere on the map.
  2. Custom Revival Settings: The mod provides the ability to customize the revival mode, such as choosing whether to revive with full health and mana or with a certain amount of resources.
  3. Temporary spawn points: The mod allows you to create temporary spawn points that are activated only for a certain time. This is useful when you need to quickly return to a specific location on the map.
  4. Spawn Protection: You will be able to set protection for your spawn points to prevent other players or monsters from using them. This way you will have more control over your spawn points.
  5. Enhanced Multiplayer Features: The mod also provides improved respawn features for multiplayer play. You will be able to configure respawn rules for all players on the server.
  6. Useful Additions: Better Respawn also includes some additional useful features, such as displaying spawn markers on the minimap and the ability to move spawn points from one location to another.

Download Better Respawn for Terraria