Magic Builder is a mod for tModLoader in the game Terraria, which brings new opportunities for the construction of housing and auxiliary structures. If you're tired of seeing the same old wooden boxes every time you play through the game, then Magic Builder is a great choice. This mod makes home building fun and easy by offering homes and structures in a variety of biome themes that can be created using magical consumables.

Description of Magic Builder

Main features of the mod:

  1. New Homes and Structures: Magic Builder adds a variety of new homes and structures created in a variety of biome themes. Now you can create unique and beautiful houses that meet the requirements of different biomes, such as forest, desert, mushroom kingdom, etc. Each home has its own characteristics that make it unique and functional.

Examples of some houses:

  • Dryad's House: A dwelling covered in foliage and decorated with flowers, ideal for the forest biome. In it you can find magical items related to vegetation.
  • Nomad Tent: A mobile desert dwelling that looks like a cozy oasis with a cheerful atmosphere. Contains useful items for survival in the desert biome.
  1. Magic consumables: To create houses and structures in the Magic Builder mod, special magical consumables are used. These materials can be obtained from various sources, such as new mobs, chests, or alchemical recipes. They allow you to create unique decorative and furniture pieces that add style and ambience to your buildings.

Examples of magic consumables:

  • Magic Fairy Feather: Can be obtained from unique mobs living in the forest biome. Used to create a bird's nest that replaces a regular table.
  • Arcane Sandstone: Mined in the desert and used to create special walls and furniture in Nomad's tent.
  1. New NPC - Householder: With the advent of the Magic Builder mod, a new NPC - Householder - appears in the world of Terraria. He is a fan of houses and can communicate with them. The Householder will move into your world after you craft your first item from the mod. You can talk to him to learn more about his unique building methods or to see what kind of homes he has to offer.

Download Magic Builder for Terraria