"InfraSonic" is an innovative modification for Terraria that offers a unique opportunity to communicate directly in the game without the need to use third-party programs. With InfraSonic, you can interact harmoniously with your friends, share strategies and coordinate actions without being distracted from the gameplay.

Description of InfraSonic


  1. Basic voice chat: Similar to the features available in CSGO, InfraSonic provides an easy and reliable way to communicate within the game.
  2. Positional effect: Player voices will be spatially positioned, adding realism and depth to your interactions in the world of Terraria.

Benefits of use:

  • Automatically lower the background music volume: Background Music Ducking automatically reduces the volume of background music during calls, ensuring clear and understandable conversations.
  • Dynamic sound attenuation: Players' voices will be adjusted based on the distance between them, creating a surprisingly realistic gaming atmosphere.

Instructions for use:

  1. Subscribe to the InfraSonic modification.
  2. Log into the game, go to the “Settings” section and set the “Voice Chat” button that is convenient for you.
  3. Press and hold this button to speak in voice chat. Your friends will be able to hear you immediately.
  4. Configure additional parameters in the modification settings menu for more convenient use.


  • Voice chat "InfraSonic" uses the Steam API to provide high-quality audio transmission.
  • Please be aware that using voice chat may put some strain on your network, especially if your internet connection is poor.
  • While tVoice's audio quality is good, it may not match professional voice communication software such as Teamspeak or Discord.

Download InfraSonic for Terraria