Weapon Enchantments is a modification for the game Terraria that adds new weapon enchantments. These enchantments can significantly improve the power and effectiveness of weapons, making combat more interesting and varied.

Description of Weapon Enchantments

  • Item Customization: Mod adds a system enchantments, which allows you to customize your items. You can upgrade damage, critical strike chance, defense, life-stealing ability and much more.
  • Item progression: The Item Experience system allows you to save your progress when changing or upgrading equipment. Now you can develop your favorite items throughout the game.
  • Upgrading Items: Mod adds a function infusion, which allows you to upgrade your weapons and armor with special resources.

Here are some of the features available in Weapon Enchantments:

  1. Item Enchantment: Customize your items with a variety of effects, from basic upgrades to unique abilities.
  2. Item Experience System: Your equipment gains experience when you use it. This allows you to save your progress when changing items.
  3. Infusion: Upgrade your items with special resources to make them even more powerful.

Weapon Enchantments is a great way to customize your Terraria experience and make it more unique!

Download Weapon Enchantments for Terraria

Additionally you need to install mods:

Koko Net Lib | androLib | Vacuum Ore Bag