TShock is a Terraria server management program. It provides additional options for managing and configuring the server, and also adds new features that are not included in the standard version of the game.

Description of Tshock

Some of the features TShock provides include:

  1. Managing the rights and roles of players
  2. Deny access to certain commands and functions
  3. Ability to create protected areas where players cannot build or use items
  4. Preventing griefing and the use of dishonest programs
  5. Using plugins that add new features and functionality

To install TShock, you need to download the executable file and run it on the server. TShock is compatible with most versions of Terraria and supports many plugins to extend the functionality of the server.

Basic commands for Tshock

Here are some TShock commands you can use to control the server:
/kick [nickname] [reason] - use "" for nicknames with spaces.
/ban [nickname] [reason] - Reward with a ban. Use "" for nicknames with spaces.
/ban [ip] [reason] - Ban by IP
/unban [nickname] - Unban. Use "" for nicknames with spaces.
/unbanip [ip] - Unban by IP
/off - Shutdown the server with preliminary saving.
/off-nosave - Instantly shutdown the server without saving.
/checkupdates - check TShock updates.
/dropmeteor - A meteor falls on the map.
/star - Falls a star at your location (requires night time).
/bloodmoon - Turn on the Blood Moon.
/invade - Enable goblin invasion.
/eater - Summons the Eater of Worlds.
/eye - Summons the Eye of Cthulhu.
/skeletron - Summons Skeletron.
/king - Summons the King of Slugs.
/wof - Summons a Wall of Flesh.
/hardcore - Summons all bosses in the game at once.
/sm [npc-id or name] [amount] - Summons an NPC from the NPC list - Use "" for names with spaces.
/reload - Reload the configuration file.
/password - Change the password on the server.
/save - Save.
/maxspawns [amount] - Changes the maximum summon of monsters per wave. Higher number = more monsters summoned * each wave.
/spawnrate [amount] - Changes the speed of summoning monsters. Lower number = faster summoning of monsters.
/slap [nickname] - Hit [nickname], defaults to 5 damage, unless more is specified - use "" for nicknames with spaces.
/protectspawn - Turn on/off spawn protection.
/antibuild - Enable/disable global map protection.
/kill [nickname] - Kill [nickname] - use "" for nicknames with spaces.
/butcher - Kills all NPC mobs without their rooms.
/item [id or title] or /i [id or title] - Gives you [id or title] - Use "" for titles with a space. id
/give [id or name] [nickname] - Gives [nickname] item [id or name] - Use "" for names with a space. id
/heal [nickname] - Heal you or, if specified, then [nickname] - use "" for nicknames with spaces.
/help [page] - Shows a list of commands.
/playing or /who or /online - List of players on the server.
/me - Third person chat.
/p - Team chat.
/rules - Displays server rules.
/region set [1/2] — Set a time point for the region.
/region define [name] - Adds region temporary points to the static list of regions.
/region delete [name] - Deletes the specified region.
/region allow [login] [region name] - Allows [nickname] to make changes to [region name]
/region protect [name] true\false — Enables or disables protection. If you turn it off, it works the other way around.
/region help - Shows help by region.
/warp [name] - Teleports you to the specified point.
/setwarp [name] - Sets a point with the specified name with your location.
/delwarp [name] - Deletes the specified point.
/warp list - Shows all points on the server.
/tp [nickname] - Teleports you to another player.
/tphere [nickname or all] - Teleports a player to you. If you enter all instead of nickname, it will teleport all players.
/annoy [nickname] [time in seconds] - Prevent the specified player from playing. (he sees a farting player who chases him for the specified time)
/hardmode - Enables hardmode.
/stophardmode - Turns off hardmode.
/genore - generates random ore.
/removespecial - removes all distortion and holy ground from the map.

These are just some of the commands available in TShock. A complete list of commands and their description can be found in the TShock documentation on the official website.

Download Tshock for Terraria